Projection Modeling
Spring 2009
Description: The charts below allow the user to model course delivery options by adjusting the total
course seats, number of sections, and number of instructors in Chart 1 - Variable Setting and see the impact on
variables shown in Chart 2 Projection Results. The values shown in Chart 2 - Projection Results assume a constant
relationship between total course seats and total enrollment. All other relationships are calculated.
To adjust values, move the sliders on Chart 1 - Variable Setting or click on the Restore Default Values Button
to reset actual Spring 2009 values. Place the mouse pointer over a bar in the Chart 2 - Projection Results to see values.
* Note: Instructors of the following ranks are included in the report: adjunct, assistant professor, associate professor, distinguished professor, emeritus, lecturer, other, professor, research professor, staff, TA (student), and visiting faculty.

Dashboard Spring 2009

Projection Modeling Spring 2009

The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool

ARC: The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool by School

CCS: The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool by School

NCE: The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool by School

SLA: The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool by School

SOM: The Curriculum Delivery Planning Tool by School