Committee on Undergraduate Education
Charge and Purview
Review and make recommendations concerning all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum, including academic policies and procedures; provide first-level review and approval of new and substantially changed courses, degrees and degree programs, General University Requirements, minors, double majors, and accelerated/honors programs; review policies and procedures regarding undergraduate academic advising, including pre-professional programs; monitor the quality of undergraduate education and make recommendations for its improvement.
Committee on Graduate Education
Charge and Purview
Review and make recommendations concerning all aspects of the graduate curriculum, including academic policies and procedures; provide first-level review and approval of new and substantially changed graduate courses, degrees, and degree programs; review policies and procedures regarding graduate advising; monitor the quality of graduate education and make recommendations for its improvement.
Committee on Honors Education
Charge and Purview
Review and make recommendations concerning the Honors curriculum prior to submission to the Committee on Undergraduate Education or Committee on Graduate Education; identify Honors milestone experiences that support research, leadership, professional development; define and assess Honors learning outcomes; review and update policies related to academic standing and professional conduct of Honors College students; support and develop accelerated pre-professional programs; foster increased collaboration between the ADHC and faculty, academic departments, and academic programs.
Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Charge and Purview
Monitor the rights, responsibilities, and status of faculty and instructional staff and make recommendations for changes in policies or procedures relating to them; review and make recommendations regarding Faculty Handbook policies and procedures, including promotion and tenure policy, sabbatical policy, faculty evaluations of administrators, and search procedures; recommend proposed revisions of the Faculty Handbook, as necessary; review and make recommendations about policy issues relating to faculty and instructional staff; review and make recommendations concerning issues relating to the quality of academic life for faculty and instructional staff, including course scheduling policies and procedures and opportunities for faculty development.
Committee on Academic Outreach
Charge and Purview
Coordinate and oversee academic relations and collaborations with other universities and institutions, including: (1) UMDNJ, Rutgers-Newark, NJ county colleges, and other universities or colleges with which NJIT has special programs or relationships; (2) medical schools, law schools, and other professional schools with which NJIT has special academic programs and relationships; (3) overseas institutions with which NJIT has special academic programs and relationships, including summer and semester abroad programs; and (4) non-academic institutions, such as corporations and agencies, with which NJIT has special academic programs and relationships. Also review and recommend policies and procedures concerning academic aspects of international education.
Committee on Research, Scholarship and Creative Academic Activity
Charge and Purview
Monitor, review, and recommend policies and procedures for increasing grant activity by faculty and for making the grant process easier to navigate at all stages; facilitate large scientific and engineering research grants and research activity by scientific and engineering centers as well as smaller competitive fellowships and grants both in science and engineering and in other fields (such as the humanities, social sciences, and architecture); facilitate scholarship and creative activity by faculty in all areas of the university, including achievement in fields that value performance as well as publication; monitor and make recommendations concerning the use of laboratories, studios, and other spaces used by faculty for research, scholarship, and creative academic activity; facilitate student research; help to facilitate and manage patents and intellectual property.
Committee on Teaching, Learning and Technology (including Distance Learning)
Charge and Purview
Deliberate and make recommendations regarding the formulation and implementation of a coherent strategy for improvement of all teaching and learning environments at the university, and the use of information technology in support of these objectives; make policy recommendations concerning the needs of faculty and instructional staff who develop and teach distance-delivered courses and students who enroll in such courses, with a view toward increasing NJIT’s global stature and cost-effectiveness through excellence in this area.
Committee on Information Technology, Library and Academic Resources
Charge and Purview
Review, discuss, and make recommendations concerning strategies, policies, procedures, and services relating to the academic use of computing, information technology, and libraries; prioritize selection of software, journals, databases, and other resources; review and monitor implementation of the university’s information literacy plan.
Committee on Academic Assessment
Charge and Purview
Oversee, facilitate, and improve policies and procedures for assessing courses and programs, including course evaluations, learning outcomes, and program review; serve as a resource for all academic units seeking information and support regarding assessment practices and procedures; organize and oversee periodic academic review process for each academic program in the university; manage the collection and utilization of assessment materials both on a regular basis and to meet specific needs, such as program, college/school, and university accreditation.
Committee on Academic Strategic Planning and Budget Priorities
Charge and Purview
Review and propose strategic academic plans; monitor and oversee the academic budget; prioritize and recommend expenditures for academic purposes, including hiring of faculty and instructional staff for teaching and research, funding for laboratories, faculty travel to conferences, capacity planning, and other academic needs; coordinate budget priorities with the Committee on Finances and Facilities and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee in the University Senate.